Patient's rights
To freely choose the health professional within the staff of Conceptum
Obtain full and clear communication from the health care team.
Receive dignified and respectful treatment without discrimination.
Treat your clinical information privately and confidentially.
Obtain health care in a timely manner.
Access to full and complete information on costs, administrative processes and on the different treatments.
To accept or refuse any treatment and to have your opinion taken into account and respected
To present complaints, claims or suggestions about the health care provided
Duties of the patient
Present truthful identification and do not hide important information for your attention
Sign informed consent or dissent for procedures that require it
Respect the dignity of other patients, their families and the staff of the institution.
Follow the treatment plan and indications of the health care team and comply with the general rules for maintaining health
Attend in a timely manner or cancel scheduled appointments when unable to attend.
Take care of your health, your family's health and the health of your community.