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Doctor en control de un formulario

Your first visit

Your first visit will help us get to know you. We will talk about your history and we would like you to tell us how long you have been trying to get pregnant.​

Some of the things we will talk about:


  • Details about failed attempts to get pregnant.

  • Medical conditions you or your partner may have.

  • For women: sexual problems, your menstrual cycle, family history related to infertility, eating habits.

  • For men: sexual problems, history of previous conceptions, family history related to infertility, surgeries or recurrent infections.

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What does it include?

At your first visit, we will perform the following essential tests: complete pelvic ultrasound to assess ovarian reserve, including antral follicle count, a general physical exam and the creation of your medical history. These steps will allow us to gain a complete understanding of your situation and design a personalized plan for your fertility journey.

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Doctor que soporta la mano del paciente

How to prepare yourself?

To ensure we provide you with the best care, we need to know more about your medical history and any relevant information. Before your consultation with our fertility specialist, we ask that you take a moment to gather some important details:


  1. Medications and supplements: Make a list of any medications, vitamins, herbs or supplements you are taking, indicating dosages and frequency.

  2. Medical conditions: Tell us about any medical conditions you or your partner have, as well as details about previous fertility evaluations or treatments and relevant aspects of your menstrual cycle.

  3. Conception attempts: Provide us with information on how long you have been trying to conceive. If you have basal temperature records or ovulation test results, bring them with you.

  4. Family history of infertility: Be sure to find out if there is a history of infertility in the family, either on your side or your partner's. We recognize that these issues are personal. We recognize that these issues are personal, but your openness is critical to providing the best possible assistance. We are here to support you on this fertility journey.


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Doctor con archivos

What should you bring?

Prepare your consultation with our fertility specialist in the most effective way:

  1. Relevant documents: Make sure you have copies of your medical exams and any relevant information to address your case.

  2. Fertility history: Provide details about any previous fertility evaluations or treatments you have had.

  3. Important questions: Prepare a list of questions for our team and feel free to ask them during the consultation. 

  4. Note-taking: If you prefer, bring a notebook to write down important information during the consultation.

  5. Involvement of your partner: Although it is not necessary for the first consultation, your partner is welcome. Their presence can be a valuable support and strengthen the connection in this process.

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What to ask?

Get ready for your consultation and clear all your doubts with our fertility expert!


Here are some questions that might be helpful, but feel free to add your own:


  1. Fertility tests: What are the recommended tests to diagnose infertility and what is their cost?

  2. Diagnosis: How long will it take to get a diagnosis? 

  3. Treatment: Based on the test results, what would my treatment options be? What are the success rates at Conceptum? What are the possible side effects and risks of the treatments?

  4. About Conceptum: Do you offer psychological support and are the tests and procedures performed in-house?

  5. Statistics and Communication: What is the success rate for people my age and with my treatment options, what are the hours available for communication and is there an emergency line?




Your first visit is a valuable investment in your health and well-being, at a cost of $468,000 COP. This amount covers all the exams detailed above, providing a complete evaluation of your situation.

It is important to note that this price does not incorporate additional tests that may be necessary depending on your specific case.

We want to provide you with transparency and comfort, so after your consultation, we can prepare a personalized quote that fits your individual needs. We believe in the importance of offering quality services with clear costs, ensuring that you have access to the best possible care.


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After the first consultation

After your first consultation, it is likely that you will need to undergo routine tests as part of your fertility treatment. These tests, essential to monitor your progress, will allow us to identify fertility problems and establish a basis for further testing. For women, we include an ultrasound to look at the ovaries with antral follicle count, plus hormone tests such as AMH, FSH, LH, estradiol, progesterone, and other tests such as preconception labs, PRL, TSH and T4L. For men, a waiting sample (spermiogram), sperm DNA fragmentation and infectious disease testing are performed. These tests are crucial to ensure effective and personalized treatment.


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Important information

Be sure to arrive 20 minutes prior to your consultation at Conceptum so that we can complete your registration information efficiently. We value your time and effort, so we request a minimum of 48 hours (two business days) notice if you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment. In case of a missed appointment or less than 48 hours notice, a charge of 10% of the consultation fee will be applied to your credit card. To manage changes in your appointment, please contact us at (601) 6164480 or via Whatsapp at 3107699757.



We appreciate your cooperation to provide you with the best possible service!


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